by Mike Bako
What is the quickest and easiest way to have an audience not remember a word of what you say during a media interview? Wear something so loud and outrageous that they spend all their time looking at what you are wearing and no time actually listening to what you are saying.
If you are a fashion designer or famous actor it might fit your image to be a little outrageous with your wardrobe choices. On Tuesday this Bloomberg guest wore a cow print blazer for his spot analyzing hedge funds and I doubt anyone can remember a single fund or point he made, no matter how good they may have been.
The lesson to be learned here is that if your desired outcome for your next media appearance is to be remembered for what you wear over your message then go with the cow print blazer. If you want people to remember what you said rather than what you wear, stick with a traditional blue or gray suit.
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Well said. A number of years back, we had a woman weather forecaster who one night wore what could only be described as a black and white version of paisley. Her entire dress was like a continually crawling object . Back then the older cameras had a more difficult task of trying to “calm and smooth” the pattern. I, too, have no idea what she said, but I can still see the wildly shimmering and electrified pattern that continued the whole time she was on camera. Message lost.