Speak and Be Heard: TJ Walker in WorkingWomen.com

Whether it’s your first team meeting, a big presentation or just introducing yourself at a networking event, learning how to speak with confidence can be a daunting task. Here are tips from TJ Walker, who can help you put your best self forward.

Learn to Like Your Voice: Most people hate the sound of their voice because they’ve heard it on tape, voicemail or video. For most of us, our voices aren’t horrible or wrong, we’re just used to hearing it through our own skulls and it sounds different. The rule is simple: don’t worry about trying to alter your voice; just get over it. It’s much more important to sound compassionate and engaging.

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1 thought on “Speak and Be Heard: TJ Walker in WorkingWomen.com”

  1. You say
    The rule is simple: don’t worry about trying to alter your voice; just get over it. It’s much more important to sound compassionate and engaging.
    Great point. Thanks, Jamie from the Netherlands

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