Quantity Often Creates Quality | Media Training | Public Speaking | Presentation Skills

Quiet often people tend to come up to me and debate to me about whether it is the quality or the quantity that matters the most when it comes to public speaking. They, of course, want me to say that it is all about the quality of the speech.

I am going to tell you that while I do care a lot about the quality of my and your speeches, I have observed throughout my experience that the quantity of the speeches is the direct determinant of the quality of the speeches you deliver. People who speak the most effectively are typically the people who speak the most often.

If you do not believe this, just go back in history and take a look at how often Abraham Lincoln gave speeches- he gave hundreds of them a year for decades. Even looking at the 20th century speakers, whether it is Martin Luther King, Ronald Reagan, or Bill Clinton that you admire as a public speaking idol, all of them have one thing in common: they gave hundreds of speeches for several years. That is what made them the complete masters of their trade, so much that they are role models today.

So my advice is that if you want to boost the quality of your speeches, try boosting the quantity of your speeches as well. Because of the direct relation between them, you will be able to improve your skills by repeating it as often as you possibly can.