As of 7:30 PM, our website hosted on Network Solutions was finally up and running again. See the two previous blog mentions to get the history on this problem.
On the one hand, I’m glad Network solutions finally got our site back. But on the other hand, I still think it’s reprehensible that a company as big and ostensibly as reputable as Network Solutions performs so dismally during a crisis. The Network Solutions blog still says that everything is OK as of 10:44 AM this morning, a demonstrable falsehood. Yes, I finally got them to take my problem seriously. But not every small business customer can afford to launch a multimedia/social media/video jihad against Network Solutions to get their attention as I did. I have delivered a full onslaught of videos, Tweets, and blog posts denouncing Network Solutions for their deceptive practices, and still, they refuse to make a mention of any problems on their blog today or on their Facebook page or any or social media channel.
If you are a business with a site hosted on Network Solutions and you still don’t have service, please let me know. You may have to use the same tactics I did to get their attention.
I don’t know if Network Solutions is ever planning on going public, but their actions over the last few days make me think that they have no understanding of open and fair disclosure policies or the ability to handle themselves in a crisis.
Finally, I think it’s time I got a new hosting service. Anyone have any suggestions?
I only use Network Solutions through work but personally use for 2 personal websites. Never had a problem and the customer service is 100%; they always have someone to talk to and stay on the job until fixed. If they can’t fix a problem immediately they get back to you by email or phone each morning to reassure you they are working on it and give you an update. Highly recommend
“they refuse to make a mention of any problems on their blog today”
Actually, they did:
I take it you’ve told them how they could’ve done better media-wise?
Oh, it turns out they DID mention that in their Facebook page also:
Even before people started mentioning it to them.