How to NOT Speak Too Quickly | Media Training | Public Speaking | Presentation Skills

Public Speaking Question of the Day: TJ, how do I keep from speaking too quickly? This is a very common problem.

When you are nervous, you are often racing to get out of there so you do not get embarrassed which is why you are not even aware of how quickly you are speaking. You lose your perspective on time.

I have a solution for this that works every time but it might not be one that you like. It is that you have to practice giving your presentation on video again and again until you know how you are coming across. You develop a level of comfort after which you know that you are going to be great.

Once you are satisfied with the way you sound on video, a number of things happen. Firstly, your nervousness levels go down. Secondly, you have a template: you have grooves for how you are going to do the speech. Next, the speed and timing of your speech become second nature to you.

It may become a habit for you after two practices or you may need 100 rehearsals, the only thing the audience cares about is that they cannot understand if you speak too quickly and they will find something more entertaining. That is not something we want.