Don’t tell your audience that you’re afraid of public speaking! This is a bit controversial as some may disagree with me on this as they say that you are being real and candid and the audience will like you more if you talk about your fear of public speaking.
Occasionally that may happen. If you are thirteen year old speaking to 5000 adults, maybe it is endearing but for everyone else, if you are an adult and you are talking about your business and services you must focus on what is most interesting and helpful to your audience,. Unless you are speaking exclusively t o family members, how you feel just isn’t that important to the audience. It is not that they will hate you for being candid but it takes attention away from what your main message is. It is also a bit self indulgent as you got up there to talk about how you can help the audience and then you turn it to be about you. That is why i believe that a vast majority of the time you are much better off focusing on talking about what is important to your listeners.
So not seek for pity from the audience, instead look for understanding and memorability so they can take the actions you want them to.