Dick Clark Dies at 82

One of the true giants of broadcasting and a staple of everyone’s New Year Eve TV watching, Dick Clark, has died at the age of 82.

What is his legacy as a communicator and broadcaster?

He spent parts of 7 different decades in front of the camera but you do not remember him broadcaster, actor, or voice but what he did do better than almost anyone was that he put the spotlight on other people.

Clark was a terrific listener and allowed the personality of others to shine through during interviews.

He was able to bring some of the worlds biggest music stars onto the national stage with his American Bandstand show. His goal was always to get the best out of them while he stayed in the background.

Finally, he stayed true to his brand of being himself. He never tried to be hip and cool, or too sophisticated, he let his natural personality shine through and that is what made him so loved by so many.