AUDIO: PR Expert TJ Walker Says ‘Ho-Hum’ to Justin Timberlake’s Marijuana Revelation

Far from a shocking revelation, Justin Timberlake finally admits in the latest edition of Playboy that he smokes pot. Will this hurt his public persona?
PR and crisis communications expert TJ Walker does not believe it will.
Click here to hear TJ on the air with Ralphie Aversa.

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1 thought on “AUDIO: PR Expert TJ Walker Says ‘Ho-Hum’ to Justin Timberlake’s Marijuana Revelation”

  1. I do not know if TJ Walker’s opinion that Justin Timberlake’s confession will not hurt him publicly is a good thing.

    Many young people follow Timberlake and read anything relevant about him. For everyone to take this “no big deal” approach to the subject means the message to young people considering ILLEGAL drug use is that it’s no big deal.

    If Mr. Walker’s opinion is true, it sadly reflects a deteriorating society.

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