Are You Using Video Effectively to Promote Your Business or Your Brand?

It’s hard to look at any trade publication or mainstream media outlet these days without seeing yet another article about the rise of video on the Internet, and in social media. Yet, it never ceases to amaze me at how few people actually use video to promote their businesses. Especially businesses that are directly related to speaking and presenting and video! It seems the old adage that “the cobbler’s children wear no shoes” is especially relevant to businesses that relate to speaking.

I’ve tried not to fall into that trap. I’ve been very aggressive at using video to market anything and everything I do since the last century.

My search engine optimization team has just asked me to update all of my videos for my main corporate website I just shot 11 videos the other day and have not uploaded them yet to the site, but I wanted to share with you what I’m doing.

These videos are all very simple and I did them all in one take. It was a grand total investment of about 30 minutes of my time.

I’m sharing all of the promotional videos with you here in the hopes that it gives you some ideas of how to promote your own business or subject matter expertise, and to let you know it doesn’t have to be time consuming or fancy.