Why is public speaking so hard? This is something that i have been asked numerous times on numerous occasions by people from all walks of life. But i want to challenge you.

Imagine if at the age often, someone gave you some car keys and told you to go drive or maybe threw you in the pool when you did not even know how to swim. That would be hard! But if you have been taking lessons then as an adult, you will not find it to be difficult even if you do not turn out to be an Olympic medal winning swimmer. So anyone can learn how to swim or drive competently. Public speaking is very much the same.

The difference is that nobody is taught how to speak. They are not given instructions in schools or any place else. If you are taught overtime, public speaking is also as easy as swimming or driving after you have learnt it. Things become easy when you have been trained in that respect for a period of time. Public speaking is a learned process and you can become better at it with some learning as well.


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