When creating your media messages, it is crucial that you consider all possible constituencies. One group you need to think about is the media. Will the reporters to whom you are talking find your message interesting?
You may come up with several messages that are short and positive that highlight your accomplishments. For example, it might be important to you and even to some of your customers that your company has been in existence for 212 years. However, it is highly unlikely that anyone in the news media is going to care that you have been around for 212 years. If the media don’t care, they won’t put it into the story. If you know in advance that a certain message point isn’t going to make it into the story, why waste time even trying? If you try to force a message point on a reporter that is of no interest to him or her as a journalist, all you are doing is destroying your credibility and making it harder for you to get your remaining message points into the story.
So after you have brainstormed for all of your possible message points, go through each one, one at a time, and ask yourself, “If I were a reporter, would I find this point interesting enough to tell my readers, viewers or listeners about this?” If the answer isn’t an enthusiastic “yes,” then scratch it off the list.
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