What do I do if a print reporter pulls out a flip video camera and wants to record the video for his website?

BY TJ Walker

You say “yes!” and you do a little dance of joy!

If a reporter is doing a text-based story on you and is now willing to do a video interview with you, this means you are getting a two-for-one special–that’s nice at the local Wal-Mart and in your PR campaign as well.

If a newspaper columnist or internet reporter, or even a radio reporter wants to do a video interview with you while using a Flip or other small hand-held video camera, please keep these concepts in mind:

  1. Video is video whether you are on NBC’s Today Show in high definition or if you are on an obscure trade publications website. Sure the number of eye balls may differ but you can either look conformable, confident and relaxed or nervous, uncomfortable, and rumbled in either case.
  2. Look at yourself in a mirror before doing the interview to make sure your hair is combed, you have no spinach in your teeth and that your tie and/or jacket. Blouses are straight.
  3. Don’t’ look at the camera unless the reporter asks you to. Instead, just look at the reporter when you are speaking.
  4. Ask the reporter how long a segment he or she would like to go for. Try to make your answers fit the time length so that the reporter doesn’t have to edit the video.
  5. Never ask the reporter to edit out something you say or your uhs and ums. Assume everything is live-to-tape. This means you will save the reporter lots of time and effort by not having to edit.
  6. Assume the camera is still recording even when the reporter says the interview is over—you never know!
  7. Ask the reporter to send you the URL of the video link and offer to promote the link to all of your professional contacts via Facebook, Twitter and all other social media connections you have—reporters will appreciate this.

Also, keep in mind that the following 10 tips that apply to regular TV interviews also apply to Internet Flip video interviews:

  1. Lean forward 15 degrees toward the camera.
  2. Move your head.
  3. Move your hands.
  4. Move your body.
  5. Wear solids (but not black, white or bright red)
  6. Speak slightly louder than usual.
  7. Speak with more energy than usual.
  8. Focus on just three message points.
  9. Have a few sound bites prepared for each message point.
  10. Be conversational

Remember, the internet may create new kinds of media, social media and other outlets for communication, but some things will never change: if you have interesting messages and can communicate them in an engaging, confident and lively manner, you will do fine no matter what new gizmos are deployed by information gatherers.

For more information on media and presentation training please visit https://www.mediatrainingworldwide.com http://www.mediatrainingworkshop.com and continue reading https://www.mediatrainingworldwide.com for news and analysis to help you communicate more effectively.

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