Tips for Media Training

Media Training Tips

DISCLAIMER: We are not sharing any magic tricks that will transform you into a speaker like Les Browns in a matter of minutes. So, if you were here to learn magic tricks that you could save up your sleeves, you can leave this page without wasting a second.

Why Media Training Tips Are Important

Although it takes years and years to master media and mass communication, we believe that quick media training tips help people focus on self-improvement. You can read these tips, apply them in your next video, watch that video, read this again, and record the video again.

In essence, reading media training tips is important, but the practice is the key. The practice is what helps you master media communication. You can read hundreds of blogs on media training but it is the practice that transformed a boy from Miami into Les Browns.

There exists a group of executives that consider media training to be useless. They do not regard the importance of rehearsal. We do not want that sort of mentality to improve ourselves as media communicators. Having said that, companies should urge their employees and PR managers to rehearse with their fellow workers for interviews. This can be done on phone calls, zoom meetings, etc.

However, the media training tips will give you an insight into how you should kick off with recording your video. It will guide you on how to look comfortable, normal, and attractive on the camera. Remember, you do not have to be as handsome as Tom Cruise to look GOOD on the camera. All you need is to give natural expressions and learn NOT TO ACT on the camera.

Another reason why media training tips are important because when you do a wrong video interview, you do not only harm yourself or your ego. You harm the entire business’ reputation. Because business is known by the people it hires. Great people are found in great companies.

Media Training Tips For Beginners

We understand that most of our audience out there consider them beginners. Well, if you are a beginner in media communication, first of all, WELCOME! You have taken a great step towards self-improvement.

The reason is that the future belongs to the media, whether it be social media, TV, or shows. Most of the meetings, interviews, and conferences will be held online.

No matter what your profession is, whether you are a doctor or a hotel manager, you will be needing media communication skills at some point. Media training online is excited to kick off your career as a media training student, FOR FREE!

Whenever we talk about media communication, there is a camera. It is talking to the people IN FRONT of a camera or talking to the people THROUGH a camera. In both cases, you have to adapt to these technological gadgets.

Lean Forward by 15 Degree

When you are talking to the people THROUGH a camera, lean forward by 15 degrees. You may look retarded to a person sitting beside you, but what matters is the audience across the camera. If you are looking comfortable on the camera, it’s all good.

Leaning forward makes your head look slim, perfect, and focused. However, when you sit relaxed, lying on your sofa, you look inattentive and non-serious. It is important to look serious, yet comfortable.


People mostly make a mistake. They think that they have to act in front of the camera. The truth is, they must stop acting in front of the camera. This is all you need to look calm, comfortable, and natural.

When you make unnecessary movements and move your head a lot, it gives you a pathetic look. Most people regard this thing and what they do in return is even more pathetic. They totally freeze their movement.

When you freeze your movement, it looks like you are recording a video in a hostile environment. Or that you are too nervous, hiding something, or really afraid.



Be natural. Don’t over-move or totally freeze your movement.

Tips for Trainers

It would not be a surprise to see a lot of media trainers seeking tips to serve their clients. Media training online is a generous platform that does not only offer free value to their clients but also their ‘potential competitors’. We believe in creating a difference together, more than just making money.

What They Do

Most of the media trainers are quite ambiguous in their instructions. They do not pinpoint the problem and its solution. Rather they are coming up with ideas that “it could have been better”. Your focus should be, “It could have been better if you could do XYZ.”

Another mistake they make is that they speak a lot. They speak too much that their clients get a little to say. By the end of the day, the client returns with tons of knowledge but ZERO practice.

What They Should Do

Here are a couple of media training tips for all the trainers out there:

Be GREAT at media communication. Because you must be GREAT at something to produce students that are GOOD in that particular thing.

Let the client speak. Let all the talent pour out of them and see how they deal with your questions. Sometimes you will encounter clients who will already be good in media communication and will need a slight polishing only. Oftentimes, there will be prospects that need a lot to improve. In short, do not pour all of your information in them at once. Let them speak as much as they can. The more they speak, the better it is.

Give them a tough interview. It is only when you are going to shake their confidence. Don’t simply ask their names and hobbies. Every 3rd grader can answer those questions!
Be clear and concise enough in giving your instructions. Pinpoint the flaw, and suggest a solution or an alternate.

Tips for Athletes

Why Do They Matter?

Athletes are exposed to media from a very young age. Whether they win or lose, they have to speak in front of the media. Sometimes to a college program, local television, or a magazine.

That is why every athlete must be given at least the basic media training tips to communicate effectively.

You will see every school producing highly talented teenagers in basketball, soccer, or tennis. But no one pays heed to train those teenagers who might be talking to international media in the future.

Moreover, these energetic athletes can serve as brand ambassadors, commentators, coaches, or officials after they retire. Just a little media training and it can pay out forever; to them, their juniors, and the country.

Tips for Radio Interviews

Why Do They Matter?

Radio? Do people even have those hefty things at their homes? No! People in the first world may not have them at their homes, but people listen to radios while traveling.

This is the reason radio interviews are taken for granted. People do not consider it an interview. They do no enjoy the prestige of TV interviews and therefore, no one prepares for them.

And guess what, when you do not prepare for it, it gets wrong mostly. And even if a few hundred people listened to you, it could affect your reputation.

What to Do

No worries about clothing/makeup/gestures. You can narrow down your focus to your script. It is like a voiceover, not video recording. You just have to keep staring at your script and focus on what is being asked and what you are replying to.

Your voice is your only representative. People create impressions based on the aspect they know about you. On a radio, when people are listening to your voice, they will create an impression of your physique and your organization in their heads. Make sure that it is a good one.

Tips for TV Interviews

Why Do They Matter?

Even up till now, TV interviews are given a lot of attention. People consider it a HUGE platform where even millions of people might be watching you at a time. Since it is a visual medium, everything matters here; from your body language to your voice and what you are wearing to where you are standing.

This is the reason that people are scared, nervous, and afraid to attend TV interviews. They either move a lot, freeze their movement, or bore their audience by beating about the bush and not being concise.

What to Do

Practice before you start. Before you start your TV interview, make sure you practice by answering all the possible questions in your smartphone camera. Start your interview only when you are 100% satisfied with the final video yours.

Make natural movements. Do not completely freeze your movement nor make unnecessary movements that look pathetic. Move your hands and head where necessary and do not act in front of the camera.

A gentle smile. Have a gentle smile on your face. Everyone who does not know you, and have never heard of you, would consider you’re a NICE PERSON only if you are smiling.

Phone Call Interviews

Why Do They Matter?

These are not taken for granted, but we would say, these are easier than most people think. Again, no worries about the dress, makeup, or hand gestures. You do not have to give off a FAKE SMILE.

What to Do

Stare at your script. Do not focus on anything else. Keep looking at your script and focus on the questions.

The Role of Body Language

Psychologists say that 55% of our communication is done through body language. Do you know what does this means? It does not matter how well your script was. It does not matter how deep your voice is. If your body language is poor, you are not going nowhere.

The Impact of Poor Body Language

What Is Poor Body Language?

Poor body language means avoiding eye contact, looking unnatural while giving gestures, and having no control over your body movement.
It may be excessive movement. For example, moving your legs unnecessarily, giving unnatural hand gestures, etc. Or it may be freezing your movement which makes you look nervous and scared. You are not sitting in a hostile environment and you want people to know that you are 100% relaxed.

What Is Effective Body Language?

When you are looking comfortable and giving natural facial and body gestures, it is called effective body language. People consider that you are comfortable because you are righteous.

Every person is a judge in himself. They try to find out conclusions by looking at your eyes. Remember when you are talking on a camera, make eye contact with the camera.

Thirdly, it does matter what you are wearing. For the company’s interviews, you should wear what you would have worn at the workplace. For TV interviews, formal dresses are more recommended. As far as your background is concerned, anything that does not create controversies or confuse the viewer is a good background.

Hire the Best Media Training Firm

When you are undergoing media training, it is never enough to read out books and dozens of blogs. You can do this all for the sake of self-learning. However, the need of hiring a media training firm as a company or an influencer can never be denied.

Media training firms have a lot of media training programs that are sure to fulfill your needs. You can share with the trainer what exactly you want so that you can be given the best possible solution with the least investment of time and money.

If you are looking for a media training firm that has experience of around 30 years of successful media training, you have landed on the right page. We have successfully trained high profile influencers, multi-billion companies’ CEOs, and thousands of other executives.

Media training online is glad to guide you through your venture. Click here to contact our team and share what are you looking for.