So what are the worst types of speaking venues and how exactly do you avoid them? For me, the hardest speaking venue or situation is in a noisy restaurant.
Maybe you’re meeting an interest group or you are there for a civic event, but you are speaking and there is a lot of noise. In such a case, you have to project out your voice and it makes you sound monotonous and flat. What i recommend is that if you plan on giving a speech or addressing your audience in such an environment, then either try and book a private room or carry some sort of cordless microphone with you. You can very easily get a cheap one from Amazon.
Every profession has certain situations that are worse than others. My advice s to speak everywhere you can and you learn something every time. If anything, it toughens you up and makes you more comfortable the next time you find yourself in such a situation. And it also helps to make normal speaking circumstances seem much easier.