Sen. Rand Paul’s Son Arrested for Drunk Driving | Media Training

Life isn’t fair; William Paul didn’t sign up for politics and now his mistakes have become national news. But when it comes to the media spotlight that shines on kids of famous politicians, that unfairness works both ways.

Yes, if you screw up, your blunders are going to become national news. But you can also have an incredibly cushy, lucrative career just by leveraging the fame created by your parents.

I don’t mean this as criticism of either Chelsea Clinton or Jenna Bush, but both presidential daughters generated sweet million dollar TV gigs at NBC for, well, just showing up.

That is a luxury nobody else in the world gets by accident of birth.

So, William Paul, it may seem lousy right now that your dad is a famous politician, but if you can clean up, sober up, and put a suit and tie on, the world is your oyster. Just ask another famous son of a well-known politician, George W. Bush.

TJ Walker is a media training expert. You can find him at or 212.764.4955.