Promo Video Speech Therapy Eliminate Verbal Tics, Uh, Um, Er, Ya Know|GPS for Your Communications|Practice In the Friendliest Environment of All

Promo Video Speech Therapy Eliminate Verbal Tics, Uh, Um, Er, Ya Know

Do you have a problem with saying ahs, and ums, and ers? I am TJ Walker and I am not a speech therapist or a pathologist, but I am someone who has worked with successful leaders all over the world so I want to give you some verbal tips. These are practical tips and I’m going to give them to you so you can use them to come across as comfortable, confident, and relaxed in any possible situation every time you have to go up to speak. You’re not going to have to think about you being nervous about what people are going to think of your verbal tics. So if that is something that you desire, then get in touch with me or sign up for any of my courses today.

GPS for Your Communications

One of the hardest things to do when you are trying to figure out how to communicate is to think of where you should start from. Whether you are giving a PowerPoint Presentation or a standalone speech, there is a temptation to run around the office gathering as much information and research as you possibly can. You definitely have to do a little bit of gathering and research but that is not what your first step should be. Whether it is communicating in a job interview, a presentation to 5 staff members, or the most important presentation in your life to 8000 people, you always have to ask yourself what the one thing is that you want your audience to do after you have communicated with them.

That should be your starting point. You need to be able to write the idea down in one sentence. Do you want them to hire you, buy from you, endorse you, vote for you, or anything else that you want your audience to do. This is your first assignment right here. I want you to write down in the discussion section what is the one thing that you want your audience to do. You can make something up on the spot but the more realistic you make it for your own particular situation at this stage in your career, the better it will be for your own self. It needs to be something that you can summarize and write in one sentence. The more specific it is, the better it is.

Practice In the Friendliest Environment of All

If you have done what I have asked of you so far then you must have isolated what you want your audience to do and you must also have also brainstormed on several messages and then narrowed it down to only the top 5 which are of the utmost priority. You must have then come up with interesting stories that flesh out these messages so you have a story for each message which is fantastic. If you want to use PowerPoint then you must have come up with an image for each one of your messages as well. Now it is time to put it all together and do what is the most important part.

It is a single most important thing that will dramatically get you over the hump of being a scared, nervous, and uncomfortable beginner speaker and not just become competent, but frankly, be a great communicator. If you go to an ice skating coach and tell them that you just want to be able to skate and not fall down and the ice skating coach replies that they can make you spin around and jump up in the air and fly like an Olympian in the same amount of time, then would you not want to do the latter? That is essentially what I am promising you if you do this one thing. It is much much easier than being an ice skater or dunking a basketball. Anyone can do what I am about to ask you to do, but the problem is that it is kind of like cleaning out your garage: it is not something you want to do because it is not exactly an enjoyable task but it is a very useful one.

Now that you have all of your elements together you have to pull up your camera and you have to practice on video and look at it. I know nobody likes to do that but all I can tell you is that it is what actually makes someone a great communicator as opposed to an average or beginner one.

You cannot just record yourself on video because it in itself does not do anything. You have to do it again and again in a systematic way. You cannot just look at yourself speaking once and shut the camera down forever because you are reminded of all of the elements that you do not like in the way you speak. You need to watch the video to see what you like and do not like and make careful notes about it. Redo the video doing more of what you like and less of what you did not like. It may take 5 takes for you to get it perfect or 50 takes to get it the way you want but guess what? Your audience does not care how many takes it takes.

If your speech is not memorable to them then they have a great solution to your boring speech and that is pulling out their phone and checking their email as you speak or present. If you see anyone in your audience reading their email or checking their phone then it means that you are doing something wrong and are unable to catch their attention.