Let the Right Message be your Goal

The message in any speech is whatever goal you want to pursue, what is the reason you want to pursue that goal? What’s the intent you want to see? For example, let’s say I want to improve my relationship with my parents. I want to take her with me on vacation. The message here could be “I want to improve my relationship with you. I want you to be happy.

Why is it important to discover your message?

The first reason is to see our goals as an expression of our message. So maybe you want to lose weight. Losing weight is the goal itself. But maybe your message is that you want to have a healthier body and live longer. So losing weight here is simply an expression of being healthier. When you know that underlying message, you can think of all the other goals that can help you make that message a reality.

The second reason is that some of us hold on to our goals when our message is to stay true to them. Suppose we face immense difficulty in our goal or lose motivation for a specific goal. This lens may no longer be compatible with us. But if we are very focused on the target, we may not be able to see it. If you know your message, you can always refer to it., “What am I doing today, does that go well with my message? Is staying true to my message the truest way? If the answer is yes, great. If the answer is no, what else can I do? This is how you live enthusiastically every day to the completest, instead of living every day affording to a plan you made a month ago. This plan may be a good one, but you might get new notions along the way.

The Following is Necessary to Prepare Your Message to Have a Perfect Message Delivery

  • Hold Up.

Before you begin everything with your message, you need to be able to answer the simple question: “What are you going to talk about? Do you have a main topic you will talk about? Don’t expect to know exactly where you want to go with your message at this point, just start diving into your topic or text. Read your main text often; Place it on a note card and keep it visible. Don’t worry about how to explain your concepts, just think about your text or topic. This step is all about letting the information sink in so you have a say in the next few steps.

  • Wide It Down

Now that you’ve recorded everything, you need to get something out of it. Start breaking down your topic. Are there any particular words or phrases that caught your eye as you read the text? Are there any general questions that come up when discussing this topic? If you have a specific topic, do I know where I will show topic examples as I talk about it? During this step, it is important to be clear about where you want to go. You don’t need to write down your message at this point, but it’s important to have an end point in mind and outline some of the points you’ll address along the way.

  • Give Him Meat

 Once you know the subject well and break it down, you’ll have an idea of what you want to communicate, you can start making the topic more concrete. The practical aspect of this can vary depending on how you want to cook it. In this part of the preparation, you will move from the abstract to the concrete and know how it will all come together. What stories will you tell? How will you introduce the topic? How will you conclude everything? Are there any illustrations to help clarify a point? Are there specific parts of the topic that need further clarification? Take your time during this step to determine exactly how you want the design to go.

  • Own It

 Often, I felt like I had solid content and stood up to that to present the topic and I felt like I hadn’t delivered it properly. Each time that happens, I felt like I’ve written good stuff but don’t own the material. The more time you spend thinking about what you’ve already written instead of what you need to write, the more it will help you get a grip on your topic. Take the time to practice your presentation as many times it will take until you love every aspect of your presentation. Knowing how it begins, where it leads and how it will end.


A message is a discrete unit of communication intended by the source for consumption by some recipient or group of recipients. In rhetorical and communication studies, a message is the information conveyed by words (in speech or writing), and/or other signs and symbols. A message (verbal or nonverbal, or both) is the content of the communication process. The originator of the message in the communication process is the sender. Your messages can provide information about the availability of products and services: advertising and publicity. Your messages can also entertain: special features, advertising. They inform: basic news, advertising, publicity. So therefore, the way it is delivered matter most and the means of delivering your message is also very germane.