How to Prepare for Live TV Interviews: Strategies for Handling Pressure and Nerves

The first step is to manage your nervousness. When you’re going into an interview, stay calm by taking deep breaths and remembering that you’ve been doing this before, you’ll feel more confident once you get into the spirit of things! If possible, try not to think about what might go wrong or how your answers will be perceived by viewers because this will only build up anxiety levels further.* You can also use positive affirmations like “I am ready” or “I am good at live TV interviews” in order to calm yourself down during these stressful moments.*

Review The Interview Guide

The best way to prepare for a live interview is by reviewing the questions in advance. Once you’ve reviewed the questions, try answering them out loud so that you can hear yourself and make sure that your answers are clear and concise.

You should also practice answering these kinds of questions with an interviewer or friend who has no idea what they’re doing—it’ll be helpful to get used to speaking without having all your thoughts jumbled up in front of them!

If you’re nervous about a live interview, don’t be! You’ve got this.

Prepare your Questions Ahead of Time.

Don’t be afraid to think outside the box. When you’re preparing questions, keep in mind that not all of them will be appropriate for every interview or situation. You can also use this opportunity as an opportunity to learn more about your interviewer and what kinds of things they like and don’t like.

This might mean brainstorming some questions that are specific to their area of expertise or taking advantage of a chance at practicing with someone else ahead of time so you know how their answers sound when spoken aloud (and therefore how well they fit together).

Practice Making Eye Contact.

One of the most important things that can be done to help you handle a live TV interview is to practice making eye contact with your interviewer. When they first ask you a question, look at their face and not at their chest or any other part of them. You should also avoid looking down during this time; instead, focus on making sure that both of your eyes are focused on the person speaking with you (and not wandering around). Also note that this doesn’t mean staring—make sure that there’s no way someone could mistake what they’re seeing as rude or disrespectful!

Practice Responding to Questions you Don’t Know the Answer to.

  • Don’t panic. Even if you’re not sure of the answer, give yourself a moment to think about it. If your interviewer asks you a question and you don’t know the answer, don’t make up something on the spot; instead, take some time before responding so that your brain can process what has been asked for.
  • Don’t say “I don’t know.” The first step in preparing for an interview is understanding what questions are going to be asked of you by who, so when presented with a question like this one: “What do we need to do?” Don’t just blurt out an answer like “Learn more!” This can sound arrogant and unhelpful as well as insulting to listeners who might actually want some advice from someone who knows better than they do! Instead try saying something like “It depends on what type of project we’re working on,” or even better yet—”If there isn’t any specific information available online yet then I’d suggest checking back again later today when things start rolling again after lunch.”
  • Don’t say “I’ll get back with them later” either unless absolutely necessary; this will only cause more confusion among listeners because no one knows exactly how long until another response comes through (and sometimes even then).

Avoid nerves by staying calm and focused on the task at hand.

  • Avoid nerves by staying calm and focused on the task at hand.
  • Take deep breaths to keep your body relaxed, but don’t hold them for too long or they’ll start to become uncomfortable.
  • Think about what you want to say, how you want to say it, and how you will feel when you do it—this will help keep your mind in the right place so that when the time comes, there’s no pressure on either party involved in an interview situation!

Finally, remember to smile! A smile is an easy way to put someone at ease—after all, it’s hard to be angry with someone who’s smiling at you!

You Can Do It

You’re ready to go! You have practiced, and you are ready for this moment. You know what to expect and how to handle it. No matter what happens, no matter how your interviewee reacts or questions you—you will do great!


While there are many different approaches to handling pressure and nerves in a live TV interview, we hope that the strategies outlined here will help you prepare for the experience. You may need to try out different things before finding what works best for you, but with the right approach, anyone can succeed!

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