How to Communicate With the News Media | Public Speaking | Presentation Skills

How do you communicate to the news media? It is very different from giving a speech or holding a meeting.

There can be people who are the greatest public speakers in the world but you put them in front of a TV camera and they are awful. They give quotes that ruin their careers. It is a very different skill set.The most important thing is that when you are talking to the news media, you need to have a clear and focused message, no more than 3 in number, and in points that you can complete in 30 seconds or less.

The next thing you need to be able to do is to package your messages with sound bites. A sound bite is simply a more interesting way of stating a message. Soundbites or quotes all come from 10 speech patterns: they are either analogies, bold action words, cliches, humour, pop culture references. If you want all 10, all you have to do is write to me at and I will help you in your journey to becoming a better public speaker.

Finally, if you are speaking to the media, the best thing to do is to do practice interviews on video. Have someone ask you questions or you can even ask yourself questions. Record yourself answering them on video and figure out what you like and what you do not like on first watch. Keep practicing in this manner until you like every aspect of your style and substance. Then and only then are you ready to do media interviews.