How Do You Media Train Police Officers? -Media Training

I have a possibility of doing some training with police here in New Zealand. How would you train police officers on the beat to deal with pushy journalist who arrive at the scene of a crime they are dealing with? They may want basic information, or more detail. These may be low ranking police.

I know the relationship between police and media is not great here.

Also, how would media training differ with police bosses at press conferences etc as opposed to business executives,or would there be no difference?

Depends on whether the police officers are authorized to speak to media or not. If they aren’t authorized to speak then they are going to want to say “I can’t comment,” or “no comment.” Those are the worst things to say. Instead, with a smile on their face, they should say “I would be happy to have our chief (or public information officer) answer all of your questions on that. Can we set up an interview in 30 minutes (or some other short increment of time)?”

There is no difference between how a police chief handles a press conference versus a CEO in terms of technique; only the messages differ.

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