Can Scott Walker’s messages withstand Scrutiny? | Media Training

Can Scott Walker’s messages withstand Scrutiny? Media Training

Scott Walker came in number 2 in the CPAC voting over the weekend. More and more Republican voters are impressed with Walker’s ability to win elections in a Democratic state and to appeal to both conservative activists and the GOP establishment. And that is why his every utterance is gaining greater scrutiny.

That’s why a lot of Republicans are scratching their heads to a response Walker gave to a question over the weekend. Walker was asked what the thought the most significant foreign policy decision has been in his lifetime. His answer was Ronald Reagan’s firing of the air traffic controllers and the busting up of their union. Really.

Huh? Most conservatives applauded Reagan for this action, but it seems to be a bit of a stretch to claim that as a foreign policy decision at all, much less the greatest one in a lifetime.

In the eyes of conservatives, Walker is indeed a hero for busting state government unions in Wisconsin, but you can’t run an entire presidential campaign based on one tangential issue. Just ask Rudy “9-11” Giuliani.

The establishment wing of the Republican Party is looking for a candidate who can talk intelligently about foreign policy and America’s role for the future. Walker needs to show he’s thought about these issues and can converse intelligently, otherwise he will lose the possibility of getting support from the establishment and their money.

Yes, it’s still early in the presidential cycle. But it’s not that early. Walker needs to be able to say something other than “I’m the guy who busts government unions” if we wants to get to the next level of presidential politics.

TJ Walker coaches public officials how to speak to the media and life audiences so that they don’t seem like fools. You can reach him at Media Training Worldwide 212.764.4955.