Be A Name Dropper -Media Training

If you are being interviewed by a television reporter for an edited story, be sure to be a name dropper – just make sure the name you drop is the reporter’s name.

For example: “Anne, it was the most terrifying night of my life.”
Guess what? Anne Curry of NBC News is more likely to use that quote. Why?
Because her name is in it.

Remember, TV reporters don’t have big egos – they have HUGE egos. They like seeing and hearing their name. The more you use their name, the more the reporters can inject themselves into the story. This may be a sad commentary on the state of TV journalism, but that’s not our concern here. Your role is to get your message out to a TV audience, and if interjecting a reporter’s name every third sentence helps you do that, what do you care?

It is in the reporter’s self-interest to become a bigger part of the story. At one point in his career, one of the most highly paid TV journalists in the world was Mike Wallace. A story by Mike Wallace is more about Mike Wallace than it is about any one story subject. That’s not knocking Mike Wallace; it’s just a reality. So use this reality to your own advantage by using a reporter’s name before you deliver a sound bite on your message – it will increase the odds of your getting the exact quote you want.

But just remember, this works only with TV reporters. Print journalists don’t care because their editors never allow a reporter’s name to make it into print.

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